Training Workshops

The training workshops are meticulously designed to impart both theoretical understanding and practical, hands-on expertise in advanced microscopy techniques, complemented by a thorough examination of image analysis tools. This dual emphasis is crucial, as image analysis is fundamental to transforming complex visual data into actionable biological insights. Through the integration of these tools, the workshops aim to enable participants not only to capture high-quality images but also to analyze and interpret these images, revealing underlying biological mechanisms, patterns, and anomalies.

Hosted at the Koc University Superresolution Imaging Core (KUSIM, a facility established with support from ISTKA, the European Union, and Koc University, these workshops aim to promote cutting-edge research in translational imaging, especially in cancer and developmental disorders.

Theoretical Lectures:

A foundational lecture on light microscopy and its applications will precede the workshops. These lectures delivered by Nalan Liv (Utrecht University) and Erdinc Sezgin (Karolinska Institute), will explore the basic principles of light microscopy and its wide-ranging applications in biological research. All participants of the training workshops are expected to attend the theoretical lecture.

Training Workshops: 

To ensure an interactive learning environment, each hands-on microscopy workshop is capped at a maximum of 10 participants, while the image analysis workshop accommodates up to 30 participants. This limitation is designed to foster personalized instruction and hands-on experience, thereby enhancing the quality of learning and engagement for all attendees.

  • Zeiss Elyra Lattice SIM Application Workshop: Led by experts Jovana Deretic, Ezgi Odabasi (Koc University), and Efe Can Yildirim (Zeiss Microscopy), this workshop will demonstrate the capabilities of the Zeiss Elyra 7 in capturing high-resolution images of subcellular structures through structured illumination microscopy (SIM). Participants will be trained to achieve nanometer resolution, enabling detailed exploration of cellular components. More Information

  • STEDYCON STED Application Workshop: Under the guidance of Jan Vavra (Abberior), participants will delve into the principles of STED microscopy and its application in exceeding the diffraction limit of traditional light microscopy. This session emphasizes the practical application of the STEDYCON system to visualize subcellular structures with unparalleled resolution and specificity. More Information

  • Leica SP8 Confocal Microscopy Workshop: This workshop will focus on the Leica SP8 confocal microscopy system, showcasing its application in imaging fixed specimens and live cell division. Hands-on training will be provided, emphasizing techniques for imaging subcellular structures in fixed specimens and observing cell division in real-time. More Information

  • Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy Workshop: Led by Steven Edwards (Lightsheet Facility Head at SciLifeLab, Karolinska Institute) and  Chris Power (Zeiss Microscopy), this workshop will provide an in-depth understanding of lightsheet microscopy, particularly its application in live imaging of cell division. The session will feature the Lattice Lightsheet 7, designed for rapid and delicate imaging of living cells with minimal phototoxicity. More Information

  • Image Analysis Workshop: Erdinc Sezgin will lead this workshop, focusing on image analysis techniques using Fiji, an open-source platform. Participants will learn how to process, analyze, and quantify microscopy image data, extracting significant biological information.

Application Process:

Candidates interested in these workshops are required to submit a motivation letter detailing their relevant skills, experience, and qualifications, along with their workshop preference(s). The letter should underscore the candidate’s suitability for the selected workshop(s), highlighting their current or planned use of advanced microscopy techniques in their research. Given the limited slots available, preference will be accorded to participants actively employing these methods in their research or those with concrete plans to integrate them into future projects.

Certification of Participation:

Upon the successful completion of the workshops, participants will be awarded certificates, reflecting their participation and the specific workshop(s) they attended. These certificates serve as a formal acknowledgment of the skills and knowledge gained during the workshop, contributing to the participants’ professional development and expertise in the field of advanced microscopy and image analysis.

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